- OpenShift is provide a platform as service [PaaS]. It is an enterprise product of Kubernetes.
- OpenShift is a top layer of orchestration ith K8S. K8S will use in the Development or Staging environment and OpenShift will be use in the Production environment.
Container is a light weight, standalone and executable package that includes needed to run a piece of software, libraries or your application codes.
Advantages of Containers:
* Efficiency - Containers are share the host OS kernel and reducing over head compare to virtual machines.
* Consistency - Application can run any of the environment irrespective of host OS.
* Portability - It will portable to any environment and doesn't have any dependencies.
* Scalability - Containers are scaled up or down easily.
Container components:
* Container Image - It is a read only template and create along with application and codes.
* Container - A running instance from the image.
* Registry - It is storing and distributing the images.
Parameter for a Container file creation:
FROM - Sets the base image for the resulting container image.
WORKDIR - Sets the current working directory with in the container.
COPY and ADD - Copy files from the build host into the file system of the resulting container image. ADD instruction copy a files from URL or untar of file into container image.
RUN - Runs a command in the container and commits with new layer with in the image.
ENTRYPOINT - Sets the executable to run when the container is started.
CMD - Runs a command when the container has started. This command is passed to the executable defined by ENTRYPOINT.
LABEL - Add a key pair value to the metadata of the image for organization and image selection.
ENV - Environment variables
ARG - build time variables
Volume - Define a storing data outside of container.
Kubernetes is combination of resources such storage, compute and networking.
K8S is not having a container registry by default. [Registry means container images]
OpenShift will support crio by default.
ssh is restrict into master and worker node from OpenShift 4.0 onwards.
OpenShift 3.x:
Operating System - RHEL/CentOS/Fedora
Allow ssh access to Master and Worker nodes by default.
OpenShift 4.x:
Operating System - RHEL Core O/S
Core OS is means Container Ready OS and It is not mutable.
ssh access is restrict into Master and Worker nodes.
We must setup the SSH key pair for accessing a master and worker nodes, otherwise we must use OC debug node/node name.
#oc debug node/master1
#oc debug node/workernodename
#oc login -u admin -p password API (
We can check the node status through kubeconfig as well
#oc get nodes --kubeconfig=/home/user/auth/kubeconfig
Logout of current session:
#oc logout
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